• Vážení hráči, Dne 3.4.2024 (středa) bude hra aktualizována na verzi 2.309. V důsledku toho se do hry nebudete moci po určitou dobu přihlásit. Níže naleznete podrobný seznam změn. Děkujeme za pochopení. Více informací najdete na herním fóru
  • Vážení hráči, v úterý 2. dubna v 10:00 hodin (serverového času) nás navštíví speciální host: vybíravá a stále hladová mýtická slepice z podsvětí. Nakrmte ji a získejte odměny pro svou říši! Najít krmení pro slepici je snadné. Obyčejnými akcemi ve hře: stavba budov, útočení/bránění, zkoumání, cvičení jednotek a sesílání kouzel můžete získat různé ingredience. Více informací najdete na herním fóru

Quack Toolsammlung

  • Zakladatel vlákna Quackmaster
  • Vytvořeno


English support: http://forum.en.grepolis.com/showthread.php?51999

"Quack Toolsammlung" je tzv userscript. S userscripts můžete manipulovat stránky, na kterých se v současné době surfování změnit například, jak vypadají, nebo jak může být rozhraní použita. Tento skript je oficiálně schválen zaměstnanci tohoto trhu

Pokyny k instalaci
Obnovit stránku



  • Translations: Improvement of BR (by tesseus, Jonh Snow)
  • Translations: Changed the upload animation symbol to the new Grepolis load animation (previously hourglass)
  • Export function: Changed the upload animation symbol to the new Grepolis load animation (previously hourglass)
  • Export function: You can now easily add your own drawings to your screenshots by using one of the following tools: Eraser, pencil, arrow, straight line, rectangel or circle. Changing of the line width and color is possible, too.
  • Donations: One christmastly greeting goes to Benedikt K. for his donation of 2 Euro.


  • Translations: Improvement of BR (by tesseus, Jonh Snow)
  • Translations: Improvement of NL (by Thodoris)
  • Caves overview (Bugfix): Some elements wrongfully appeared in the foreground during scrolling
  • User profile: Inactivity display added
  • Donations: Many thanks for your christmas presents - much appreciated!
    Sandra M. - 5€
    Lea Renate G. - 10€
    Helena E. - 5€
    Mercedes G. - 1€
    Alexander S. - 10 €
    Peter F. - 1€
    Martina S - 1€


  • Code general: The script settings are now working as they should
And that's it for this update. ;) I wanted to provide this bugfix as soon as possible because relatively many of you asked about it (all your transmitted translations etc. will of course be added with next update). I also wanted to make sure that this update will get rid of the underlying problem before I change anything else. Please send me some feedback if this in fact worked. If I didn't mess up, your prior saved settings should also be reactived. Besides that the problem was also responsible for the compability problems with Firefox 36 and newer - this update should fix that.

To all script developers:

A change in Firefox 35 is the reason that the GM_listValues() function of Greasemonkey stops working. The devolopers of Greasemonkey are already informed. Let's hope they find a fix for this soon.


  • Translations: Improvement of NL (by H2ODelirious, Florent18 )
  • Hides overview: Added some new features:
    A new display shows you the total anmount of silver in all your cities
    A new button downsizes each city box which lets you store your silver much faster (more cities visible, less scrolling)
  • Toolbox: Some minor changes to the menu. Some items are now summarized under “tools”
  • Toolbox: Changed the link from the old unit comparison tool to the new unit calculator
  • Donations: Thanks again guys for supporting the project! It it really helps me stay motivated even after all those years! Thank you:
    Markus B. – 1 €
    Sylvie S. – 10€
    Marcel P. – 20€
    Manuela M. – 5€
Unfortunately I didn't have the time to repair the inactivity display. I will work on this in the next few days.

For all of you who didn't noticed: There's currently a small Grepolis gold giveaway on http://grepolisqt.de. You can find more information here: Grepolis Easter Event – 1500 Gold Giveaway